Please absorb your Lessons properly


I feel Severe Anxiety, anger, and stress after my divorce. What should I do? 

 What is your experience in handling divorce cases?        

Oh! What are the 4 stages of adjustment then?

I] The first phase of shock and denial

When you hear of your best friend’s sudden demise then you are shocked. 

Your next immediate reaction is ‘No! I don’t believe it. It must be some other person with the same name'. 

Then you keep on praying and wishing that this information must come out to be untrue.

When you reach the hospital and see for yourself the reality then you adjust and go on to the next phase harmlessly usually.

The parents keep on visiting different specialists or doctors of different medical systems hoping for a miracle.

His family remains shocked and dazed for many days. 

Although they lost all their money they continued to behave in their usual wealthy way in their social circle.

This denial went on for many weeks till the creditors openly started harassing them.

This would have happened when you realized that your marriage had irrevocably broken down.  

You also would have denied this possibility to yourself for a long time and tried to be as normal as before. Do you agree?………

What is the second stage of adjustment then?

II] The second phase of emotional turmoil

Truly eye-opening! What is the third stage of adjustment then?

III] The third phase of bargaining with life

Mind blowing knowledge! What is the fourth stage of adjustment then?

Iv] The fourth phase of acceptance of reality

What lessons do I get from my divorce?

I] This lifetime is a training school for your soul’s evolutionary growth

II] Your attachments lead to your destruction

Not a wrong fantasy – it might even come true!

But if you insist that come what may, it must happen the way you desire, then it’s going to be one hell of a life.

What do you feel? Do you agree?

III] Resistance leads to persistence and acceptance leads to disappearance.

But it is so frightening. Can I do something extra to go come out of this extreme pain?

Agreed! But I feel I do need more guidance to convert this suffering to my happiness. What must I do now?