No one is a Perfect parent 


There are lots of conflicts happening in our family between elders and youngsters. How to deal with this stress and my Severe Anxiety?

M – Monkey thoughts

Oh !!! I never knew it earlier. Can you please tell me more about our mind?

M.I.N.D. [contd...]

I – Incomplete, Insecure, Inferior and Inadequate

Wow! Dil mange more. Can you go on please?

M.I.N.D. [contd...]

N – Never fulfilled

What an explanation, Sir ji! Please do continue.

M.I.N.D. [contd...]

D – Divided, Doubtful

Understood it very clearly now. I really wish to be a perfect human being who does everything for the family’s happiness. What to do then?

OK. Can you also show me now how to strike a balance between love and discipline while bringing up children?

I] Permissive style: Only love, no discipline

Oh! I never knew all this. What are the other 3 ways?

II] Strict style: Only discipline, no love

I got it very clearly now. What are the remaining ways?

III] Neglecting style: No love, no discipline

You have explained everthing very beautifully. Now what is the last way?

IV] Balanced style: Optimum love, optimum discipline

Got it all loud and clear. What if I need more guidance to overcome our family’s serious problems faster?