Allowing the watch to run your life is Not time management
Are you ‘Mr. Busy’ and having Severe Anxiety in your life?
Once upon a time there was this Mr. Busy who was getting late for his next important meeting.
He ran onto the road with his briefcase stuffed with important documents.
He jumped into the first taxi and cried ‘Hurry up, go fast. I am getting late’.
The taxi driver started fast and shot through the city’s peak traffic. Then he shouted ‘Where to, Sir?’
‘Anywhere! As long as you are going on fast’, pat came the reply from our Mr. Busy.
Are you too going somewhere very fast?
This hurry and impatience is one of the most important causes of anxiety which slowly develops into Severe Anxiety.
Please click here to know whether you have Severe Anxiety or the usual anxiety………
Oh My God! Have I mis-understood time management as ‘fast’ or ‘busy’?
Yes. you are right.
Are the hands of the watch running your life?
Are you very busy juggling various tasks simultaneously?
Have you too mis-understood being ‘busy’ as being ‘productive’?
If ‘yes’ then you are surely under a great pressure every time, everywhere.
Also, you are performing well under your real potential………
OK. So what are the criteria for proper time management?
There are only 5 S.H.U.B.H. criteria:
1) S - Smarter work, not harder work
This is the crux of life management.
Old economy needed old answers. So you worked hard. It brought you where you are today.
But today’s new economy needs new answers.
The old ways are no longer sufficient.
Nothing is wrong with you as such.
This rapidly changing competitive world around you needs different sort of actions from your side, that’s all.
Work smarter, not harder.
Smart work means that you keep on, keep on, keep on upgrading your life-management skills plus work-management skills.
Thus you are able to give better and better, better and better results to your company and your customers.
But you are giving better results not by working longer & longer hours.
Instead you polish your knowledge and skills more and more by learning to master your sub-conscious mind's 3 amazing powers.
You still work only 8 hours a day.
But you keep on getting more and more professional or business success because of your smarter and smarter working habits………
What is the 2nd criteria for S.H.U.B.H. time management?
S.H.U.B.H. criteria [contd...]
2) H- Hobbies
Do you spend enough time in pursuing your fulfilling hobbies?
Now how do you spend your leisure?
Is it spent in pursuing some hobbies which fulfil your heart and make life worth living?
Is it spent in nurturing warm relationships which makes life so loving and beautiful?
This is effective time management.
Or do you watch hours and hours of TV for time pass because you were getting bored or you had ‘to kill time’?.........
What is the 3rd criteria for S.H.U.B.H. time management?
S.H.U.B.H. criteria [contd...]
3) U - Unwinding time
How much unwinding time you have for yourself everyday for your relaxation, recreation and rejuvenation?
For example, you have 2 hours daily as your leisure time for yourself and your loved ones.
It means you must have done something right about managing your time and your priorities.
That’s why you are able to support your family for 24 hours, but by working only 22 hours.
This is thus an efficient time management.
It is very, very important for you and your family because it recharges your batteries for the coming tough times………
What is the 4th criteria for S.H.U.B.H. time management?
S.H.U.B.H. criteria [contd...]
4) B - Balancing
A work-life balance is needed from today itself.
Balancing in everything, balancing is everything.
You certainly don’t have to sacrifice your dreams or ambitions to get that balance.
In fact, balancing not only gives you inner happiness, it also gives you outer success as well as warm relationships.
All three happen simultaneously today, not tomorrow after retirement!
You must ask yourself now ‘Are my life and family meant to support my career or Is my career meant to support my life and family?’………
What is the 5th criteria for S.H.U.B.H. time management?
S.H.U.B.H. criteria [contd...]
5) H - Happily working? or Hardly working?
People who work hard finally work hardly.
They just ‘burn out’ very fast.
All the stress slowly adds up.
Not in one day, one week and not in one month.
But over time they gradually start losing that zeal to work and that enthusiasm to give extraordinary results.
It’s then that the competition - whether in business or your own job - takes over.
You just don’t have the reserves of your inner energy to compete.
You simply start sliding backwards while your peers are pushing ahead.
So it is extremely critical to do what you love and love what you do.
Enjoying your daily work is The Golden Master Key to have S.H.U.B.H. time management………
OK, very, very well understood. Then how to do this fine act of work-life balancing?
The 'Why?''What?' & 'How' of your life
Begin today itself by deciding your 3 priorities in the following order only.
First priorities first.
Second priorities second.
Third priorities third.
Please do not do the last priority as the first or second.
[1] First Priority: Grand Vision or Big Purpose ['Why to do?']
Clarifying your Big Purpose or your Big Reason answers The Why of your whole existence in human society.
So the first and the foremost priority is to decide the beautiful grand vision of your life.
Decide what you really want from life.
Where do you really want to go in your life?
As a man of wisdom said ‘Even if you lose your eyesight, don’t lose your vision.’
Your vision will give a compelling beautiful purpose to your very existence on this planet.
When your 'Why?' is very clear, your 'What?' and 'How?' become very easy in your life.
[2] Second Priority: Missions ['What to do?']
Now you set your medium-term missions in the 4 pillars of your life.
Your medium-term mission for your Self pillar,
Your medium-term mission for your Family pillar,
Your medium-term mission for your Society pillar, and
Your medium-term mission for your Career pillar.
Your 4 medium-term missions tell you what are the real important things that you must accomplish to fulfill your dreams.
That is why your missions are the major milestones on the road of your life's big vision.
Just remember,
M for missions, M for milestones.
They will take you nearer to your vision every day.
As you accomplish your one mission, you get ready for your next mission.
Thus your missions will add that extra kick, that extra excitement in your life………
Right, understood fully. Now what is the rest of work-life balancing?
[3] Third Priority: Realistic Goals ['How to do?']
To fulfill your missions you set your short-term goals now.
Achieving your goals gives you the right energy and enthusiasm to go forward and achieve bigger missions in future.
Simultaneously, keep on learning more and more techniques of daily smart working to reach your goals more effectively and more efficiently.
Just remember that old times, old economy needed old answers, but Post-Covid new times & new economy need new answers.
Therefore, the time has come now in your life to daily work smarter and not harder.
You only have to learn and master the advanced mind power techniques for this great purpose.
Today is the right day to make such a new beginning………
Very impressive. But I honestly feel that more guidance from you will save me a lot of time and energy. What to do now?
You can contact Dr. Arora for his well-known mind power group training on 7 Mind Secrets.
Just call him now to directly talk with him.
Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’.
For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping ambitious people like you who are having Severe Anxiety and Time Mis-management Problems.
You too are soon going to learn how to lead a Beautiful Magical Wonderful Life [BMW Life].
Please Call him now on his Whatsapp numbers +91 93 71 01 95 17 or 98 90 93 08 15.
" 1. I have learnt to control my anger. 2. This course has helped to get me a well playing job. 3. My attitude has tremendously improved in a +ve manner. 4. Public speaking skill has made so much improvement that my voice is listened to by even much senior people in a meeting. 5. I had started leading the team very effectively. 6. It has taught me how to do effective Time Management & Stress Management. 7. I can take now many decisions in a +ve way.