Severe Anxiety Of High Achievers & Key Position Holders Like Celebrities, Entrepreneurs & CEOs
Exclusive & totally confidential Online Personal Counselling / Coaching
Can you tell me the names of some celebrities who have taken personal coaching, counselling, or training for their Severe Anxiety from Dr. Arora?
So sorry. We do not disclose any celebrity’s name.
It is our professional ethics to maintain strict confidentiality if any person wants to keep his or her name private.
In your own case it is better to know your own anxiety level first of all.
Please click here to know whether you have Severe Anxiety or the usual anxiety………
What are all the problems you deal along with Severe Anxiety?
Do you have any of the following problems? Dr. Arora’s result-oriented, time-tested & well-proven techniques work best for the following personal and professional problems [given in alphabetical order]:
Severe Anxiety about your past or future
Confusion about your life’s direction
Depression about our life’s past incidences
Excessive tensions or worries
Fear about the uncertain future
Getting dominated easily
Guilt about the past mistakes
Inability to make good friends
Inability to say “No” to others
Inferiority complex
Job dissatisfaction
Lack of big money in your life
Lacking self-confidence
Laziness and procrastination
Negative thinking
Nervousness & shyness
Not getting the desired job or promotion
Poor interpersonal relationships with friends, family, or colleagues
Poor interview skills………
How to solve my problems like Severe Anxiety then?
There are 3 pathways to overcome your problems:
1] For your superficial problems
They can be solved quite easily at home itself by a discussion with your well-wishers and advice of your friends, family, and colleagues………
2] For your deeper problems
They surely need deeper answers.
Here internet surfing, videos, books, self-growth courses, motivational trainers and spiritual gurus’ discourses on tv, etc. help you find your solutions………
3] For your deepest problems like Severe Anxiety
What just cannot be solved through the above two methods needs 1-to-1 online personal and exclusive counseling from a senior doctor or personal counselor with many, many years of experience of handling serious and complex cases in the past.
In your case you still have your serious personal problems.
They could not be solved till now………
So you mean that my problems are at the 3rd level?
The time has come now in your life to get total freedom from your deepest problems through the 3rd step of 1-to-1 online personal counselling and training.
You have already suffered so much in your life for no fault of yours. Right?
How much further do you want to suffer? And for how long more? And what is the need to suffer so much?
You are a smart person with a huge potential lying unused with in you.
Why don’t you learn the simple mind power techniques to kick away this problem of your life once and for all?.........
So what happens in 1-to-1 online personal coaching or counselling? What does it mean for me?
In your 1-to-1 online personal coaching or counselling Dr. Arora spends exclusive time with you and you alone to discuss your personal or professional problems with you.
After thoroughly listening to your problems in detail he diagnoses the root cause of your complex problems.
Then step-by-step he shows you the practical and workable ways of finding the right solutions that suit exactly your personal life situation………
How much is Dr. Arora’s experience in this field?
How much is Dr. Arora’s experience in this field?
He has more than 4 decades of experience in helping people with diverse backgrounds from all walks of life to overcome their problems.
Same thing you too will gain from his counselling.
You are then free to lead a very happy, confident, and successful life………
Is his online counseling and training only theory or practical also?
It involves both – 20% theory and 80% practical.
You are going to understand the root cause of your life’s various problems.
Then only you can have permanent solutions for your serious problems.
Like all the right learning in any field of life, his exclusive and personal coaching too involves 3 critical steps. After personally spending time with you and listening in detail to you he will show you:
First, “what” is to be done.
Then “why” is it to be done.
Lastly “how” is it to be done [What, Why, and How methodology].
There will be no medicines at all.
Instead you are going to learn how to master your hidden mind powers to get rid of your problems………
Is it 1-to-1 with Dr. Arora himself?
Yes, absolutely.
It is totally between you and Dr. Arora himself.
There will be no one else present during your exclusive personal coaching session.
Here he will share with you the wisdom coming from his more than 4 decades of experience in the field of the human mind and human behavior………
I do not want my things to be told to anybody else. Is this assured?
Certainly, of course.
We maintain absolutely 100% total confidentiality about the problems that you discuss with Dr. Arora personally.
Nothing about you will be mentioned in our videos or website………
But I have an extremely busy schedule. How do we schedule the counselling and training sessions then?
We surely understand your peculiar situation.
That is why your counseling dates and timings are adjusted according to your convenience.
The dates and days are flexible and customized for your convenience………
How many sessions will be required for my exclusive personal coaching?
First of all, you come for your first coaching session.
After going through your whole history Dr. Arora will inform you himself as to how many total sessions you will need.
It totally depends upon the severity of your problems………
What does it depend upon?
It all depends upon the seriousness and complexity of your personal or professional problems.
For some people just 5 sessions are sufficient.
But some others take even more sessions because they want to learn more and more skills to go fast to the highest levels in their lives………
What is the duration of each session?
It is usually 60 minutes each either in the morning or afternoon.
This highly personal facility is available to you with prior appointments………
Which are your heaviest coaching days?
Saturdays and sundays are our busiest days.
Dr. Arora is available for personal counseling worldwide through Zoom.
So his appointments get booked very fast.
Hence you should book the time for yourself much in advance………
Do I have to be alone? Or any friend or family member also can be present in the room along with me?
Both are OK with us.
But please remember that during your discussion with Dr. Arora some very private issues will surely crop up which you may not like to discuss in front of even your closest relationships.
So for your first session our advice is that you remain alone in your room.
Thus you can discuss all your problems confidentially with Dr. Arora………
Will Dr. Arora prescribe some medicines too?
No, not at all.
Whatever medicines you are taking will be strictly under the supervision of your local doctor.
Dr. Arora will only guide you from psychological and spiritual dimensions.
He will not prescribe anything from the medicines' point of view………
Then can I start my exclusive personal counseling right now?
You only have to book Dr. Arora’s time in advance.
All his life-long experience is there for your help then………
Then how do I start my exclusive personal counselling with him?
Just call Dr. Arora now to directly talk with him.
Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will guide you himself after first talking to you personally.
For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping influential & ambitious people having Severe Anxiety and Tough Times from all walks of life.
You too are going to learn how to lead a Beautiful Magical Wonderful Life [BMW Life].
Please Consult him now.